
Monday 29 November 2010

FIFA showing their true humanity?

If Australia hasn't bribed and paid the big dollars to the FIFA members are we really in within a chance of winning the World Cup 2022? Seems not.

You can guarantee Qatar has paid.

But Benny and Frank say we haven't.

So what chance us?

SonntagsZeitung reported today: (Translation)

Four days after the designation of host countries for the World 2018 and 2022, the Swiss newspaper SonntagsZeitung reported today that new suspicions of corruption within FIFA.

The Sunday newspaper reveals the existence of a list with the names of members of Fifa who received "payments of several million."

Asked by SonntagsZeitung, a Swiss resident, who had access to the list, said that members of the executive committee of FIFA are hiding behind the "corporate mailboxes" on the document. The paper said that a known member of the IOC also appears among the names.

These new suspicions are the result of the suspension on Nov. 18 of two members of the executive committee of Fifa after the Sunday Times had revealed in a survey that they had demanded money in exchange for their votes for the award of World Cups 2018 and 2022. Furthermore, the BBC should broadcast a documentary tomorrow too suggestive cases of corruption within FIFA.

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